
List of studies that have received a favourable opinion

The list of studies for which the CNER has given a favorable opinion can be downloaded here.

Activity reports


  • Participant information sheet and informed consent form - recommendations on the expected content - FR - EN DE
  • Basic content of a research protocol: here is a list of the elements that normally appear as basic information in a study protocol
  • Project for a collection of biological material and/or health data dedicated to research
    • Ethical recommendations to consider when designing, setting up and using a collection of biological material and/or data for research purposes - FR
    • Information sheet and informed consent form for collections of biological material - recommendations on the expected content - FR 
    • Information sheet and informed consent form for collections of health data - recommendations on the expected content - FR 
  • Secondary use of samples and data collected in the frame of a research project
    • Recommendations for the secondary use of samples and data, collected in a primary research project - FR - EN - DE
    • Information sheet and informed consent form dedicated to secondary uses - recommendations on the expected content - FR - EN - DE
  • Incidental findings and informed consent : framework for managing informed consent and process for communicating these findings to participants

In case a dossier requires review by the CNER but no ministerial authorisation, this synthetic sheet should be filled in and submitted as part of the opinion request dossier.

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