Projects not requiring a CNER opinion

Case reports

To notify the CNER of a medical case report and obtain a letter of exemption from the committee, the doctor who treated the patient and wishes to publish the case report must send a letter to the CNER requesting exemption from the CNER's opinion for the publication of this case report (with the title of the publication and a brief explanation of the purpose of the case report). The letter must specify that no identifying or potentially identifying data will appear in the publication. 

Retrospective anonymous studies

To notify the CNER of an anonymous retrospective study and obtain a letter of exemption from the committee, the principal investigator must send the following documents to the CNER:

  • Cover letter
  • Synthetic sheet
  • Protocol (clearly describing how the data are anonymised) 
  • List of data collected / CRF
  • CV of the principal investigator

Studies outside the scope of studies subject to CNER review

To establish whether the study falls outside the scope of studies subject to ethical review by the CNER, the principal investigator sends a short description of his project to the CNER secretariat, asking whether an opinion from the committee is required. 

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